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The Vengeful Warlock

Ringsender, Anthony O’Reardon will be a familiar face to those of you who are regular followers of the Dockers and Demons festivals! His outstanding performances as the glutinous clown in our music video 'The Terrible revenge of Ma Bloomer’ in 2019 and as the crazed barman Freddy, in 'The House of the Broken Birds' in 2020 will remain firmly imprinted on our brains!

This year Anthony has written the tale of Jacabus Snide, who 3oo years ago lived in Ringsend. Jacabus is afflicted with horrible nightmares or premonitions that come true and his last dream is that of the village burning to the ground.

When the villagers hear of the dream, they are terrified and want Jacabus dead! They chase him and his blind son into the Nature Park where they capture him and burn him at the stake as a warlock!

As he dies he calls on the evil spirits to get his revenge using the 4 elements. He perishes but returns and curses the land 4 times, the final one being fire and he threatens to burn Raytown to the ground. His son, Icabus reveals himself as he narrates the story...

Pat Larkin, another multi talented Ringsender, (remember the band ‘The Blades’ ?) has joined the Dockers and Demons team as our videographer and will be filming and editing the video that will be shown late October.

A huge thank you to Joe Donnelly of the Fair Play Café who allowed us use his green house in which to build our set!

Tune into our 5 part series 'The Witching Hour' created by the Community which will be staged on our website and social media platforms October 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 at 8pm and witness Anthony O’Reardon excel in yet another hair raising performance!


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